My group is working on the Lord of the Rings VR Project. As the animator, this week my task was to create six different hand animation clips for our Proxy Hands.
The first five animations (idle, point, grasp, thumb out, index curl) were pretty simple loops. For idling/resting animations, I animated the movements similar to taking a breath. There's a shorter rising motion and a longer falling motion, like breathing in and out.
The sixth animation, the thematic animation, is a ring-holding animation. Most people hold a ring differently than they would grasping a larger object, so a special hand animation was necessary. We plan to have an event trigger in the future with the ring, so having a holding animation was integral for later down the pipeline.
Once the animations were complete, they were put in engine and hooked up to an animation blueprint. The animations were then mirrored from the left hand to the right hand.